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The hotel and leisure sector is in an extremely competitive and customer-focused market and therefore essential to have an effective IT communications and telephony solution in place.

This solution enables you more time to gain and retain custom, keep costs down and revenues up and help employees do their jobs more productively.

There are a number of key benefits that hotels and leisure facilities would achieve as a result of using a HBT Communications IP telephony solution.


Improved Customer service
We enable you to provide a higher level of customer service by making your agents available for longer, by allowing them to work from any location including their home office.
Enhanced Call Routing
Improved employee availability with intelligent call routing redirecting calls simply and quickly so calls never go unanswered.
Call Recording
All client conversations can be recorded and filed, this helps resolve disputes and provides a record of important travel times, bookings or other arrangements.
Add new offices or locations
Scalable system that will grow with Your business – simply buy new licences to add users without the worry of server based hardware restrictions.
Pool Receptionist resources
Using pure IP telephony it is possible for all calls to be managed centrally at a particular site and calls then re-routed transparently to the correct department or other office location.
Easy installation and administration
Changes, updates and adjustments to the system can be handled internally without the need for expensive engineers.
Information at your fingertips
Easy telephone integration into databases and CRM systems so that on incoming calls the appropriate contact window of the caller pops up and the contact information can be viewed instantly.