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With cyber-crime continuously on the rise and perpetrators becoming even more sophisticated when it comes to stealing personal data and passwords, extra security measures must be taken to protect important information.
For businesses of all sizes, this is especially crucial to ensure you avoid data breaches, financial losses, reputational damage and legal action.
That’s where Multi-Factor Authentication comes in.
Multi-Factor Authentication, otherwise known as MFA, is an additional security layer that requires users to verify their identity using extra information or technology before gaining access to a system, account, or application.
MFA significantly enhances security by adding layers of protection that are much harder to replicate or hack into, beyond a simple password.
MFA typically requires a combination of at least two factors to authenticate a user.
These most often involve:
Something you know – such as a password, PIN, or answer to a security question.
Something you have – like a physical device, e.g. smartphone, security token, or smart card.
Something you are – using your biometrics such as a fingerprint, facial recognition, or voice recognition.
When you enter your username and password to access a system, MFA will ensure that you are always asked for further verification of your identity, such as entering a code, answering a security question, or scanning a fingerprint.
Examples of MFA in action are banking apps that require both a password and a one-time code sent via SMS or email; using a password and an authentication app like Microsoft or Google Authenticator to access a corporate system; or even combining passwords with biometric features like facial recognition or fingerprint scanners on smartphones.
Businesses are particularly vulnerable to cyber-crime due to the vast amounts of data and financial information that they hold.
Adding extra layers of security to access your systems is key to protecting your organisation and its employees from harm, while maintaining a reliable reputation.
MFA can help by:
At HBT Communications, we have over 37 years of experience working with businesses of all sizes to evaluate and upgrade their security systems.
As an independent provider, we work with trusted partners to bring MFA solutions that integrate seamlessly with our client’s IT infrastructure or telephony platforms.
If you need a reliable MFA solution to help protect your company, reach out to us today on or call 02476 867400.