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GDPR the end of BYOD?

GDPR the end of BYOD?

GDPR the end of BYOD?

Business People hangout together at coffee shopHow many of your employees use their personal mobile or tablet to access your business systems and their business emails?

Do you know what protection is installed on those devices to keep your business data safe?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) comes into force on 25 May 2018. These new regulations require you to look after individuals personal and sensitive data.  This includes names, addresses, emails, contact details.

If your employees BYOD (bring your own device); they are using their personal equipment to access business emails and more, which will include data covered by GDPR.  Access to this data on external devices could be a risk to the security of the personal data held by your business.

To keep safe the personal and sensitive data used to transact your business activities, you need to know that all the systems and devices have adequate security and that the data is only accessible to authorised employees.  As soon as that data moves out of your systems and equipment, you have no control as to where the data may end up. Losing control of your data will be judged as a data breach, and if serious, could result in hefty fines from the ICO (Information Commissioners Office

We understand the thought of the costs of equipping your employees with business only mobiles and tablets, is worrying.  Can your business stand the cost?

Funding Available

HBT your partners in telecoms and data security has several packages available and we have wide experience in successful applications for funding towards the costs of upgrading and extending your IT and Telecoms equipment.   You may be surprised at the contributions available from funding schemes, the excellent value for money you can achieve, as well as competitive financing options to spread the cost.

Contact HBT today about solutions to support the data security required by GDPR.  Our friendly professional team can be contacted at or call us on 02476 867 422.

HBT Helping you to get GDPR ready.

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