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As well as launching the new IPhone 7 Apple has also upgraded their operating software iOS to version 10. There are many articles telling us how much better the new version of iOS is and why we must upgrade immediately, but is it necessary and what will you find useful?
In our view there are a number of advantages that make it worthwhile upgrading and one change that you need to be aware of
What isn’t mentioned in all the hype is that iOS 10 will not load onto an iPhone4, which in effect makes it obsolete.
The one change to be aware of is the ‘Wi-Fi assist’ which is installed at the very end of the mobile data screen. Leave it switched on and your Wi-Fi signal will remain great but will use your precious mobile data allowance whenever the signal is weak, without asking. If your business mobile contract assumes users will mainly use installed Wi-Fi this option could leave you with a large unexpected data bill at the end of the month.